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Character Stat
The Hunt
Cloudfencer Art: Starshine
Cloudfencer Art: Starshine
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Deals Physical DMG equal to 50% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy.
Cloudfencer Art: Mountainfall
Cloudfencer Art: Mountainfall
Lv. 1
Deals Physical DMG equal to 105% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy. In addition, there is a 33% chance to trigger Sword Stance on the final hit, dealing Additional Physical DMG equal to 50% of Sushang's ATK to the enemy.
If the enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, Sword Stance is guaranteed to trigger.
Shape of Taixu: Dawn Herald
Shape of Taixu: Dawn Herald
Lv. 1
Deals Physical DMG equal to 192% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy target, and she immediately takes action again. In addition, Sushang's ATK increases by 18% and using her Skill has 2 extra chances to trigger Sword Stance for 2 turn(s).
Sword Stance triggered from the extra chances deals 50% of the original DMG.
Dancing Blade
Dancing Blade
Lv. 1
When an enemy has their Weakness Broken on the field, Sushang's SPD increases by 15% for 2 turn(s).
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
Cloudfencer Art: Warcry
Cloudfencer Art: Warcry
Immediately attacks the enemy. Upon entering battle, Sushang deals Physical DMG equal to 80% of her ATK to all enemies.
Cut With Ease
Cut With Ease
Lv. 1
After using Skill against a Weakness Broken enemy, regenerates 1 Skill Point.
Refine in Toil
Refine in Toil
Lv. 2
After Sword Stance is triggered, the DMG taken by Sushang is reduced by 20% for 1 turn.
Rise From Fame
Rise From Fame
Lv. 3
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Cleave With Heart
Cleave With Heart
Lv. 4
Sushang's Break Effect increases by 40%.
Prevail via Taixu
Prevail via Taixu
Lv. 5
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Dwell Like Water
Dwell Like Water
Lv. 6
Talent's SPD Boost is stackable and can stack up to 2 times. Additionally, after entering battle, Sushang immediately gains 1 stack of her Talent's SPD Boost.
Lv 20
Lv 30
Lv 40
Lv 50
Lv 60
Lv 70
Anjali Kunapaneni
The Xianzhou Luofu
First Meeting
I'm Sushang, and I recently joined the Cloud Knights. Talk to me if you have any issues... but I don't know the Luofu very well either, hehe.
No need to be polite, I can help any— Huh? You're just here to say hello? You don't need my help?
Today was another day of being eager to help! I am very happy with myself. Time to rest!
About Self: Creed
"Be eager to help those in need. Do one good deed a day and reflect on oneself three times a day." — Those words will definitely appear in my biography one day and be remembered!
Chat: Xuanyuan Sword
It's a family heirloom, and probably has a history? My Ma can swing it with just one hand, but I struggle even with two. Ah...
When I was a kid, I was mesmerized by the foxian gents on the streets telling the stories of the Cloud Knight martyrs. If my Ma didn't drag me away, I would have listened to them all day!
All the Outworlders arriving at Xianzhou these days start their sentences with "There's an old saying in Xianzhou..." but a local like me can't think up any. How can this be...
Something to Share
*sigh* It's not easy being born in a military family. My Ma trained me in martial arts since I was a kid and I had to get up to spar with her before the crack of dawn. I'd get so exhausted in the morning that I always fell asleep in class. The teachers all called me Sleepy Sushang...
To hear a story on the Luofu is like a wish come true! After all, this is where High-Cloud Quintet became famous. All the expertise of Mr. Xiyan, the storyteller at the Sleepless Earl, is in this place.
About Jing Yuan
The "Dozing General" of the Xianzhou Luofu... I've heard a lot about him, but I feel he doesn't do anything... He's not as good as the lady general from our Xianzhou Yaoqing.
About Yanqing
He's so young, but a Cloud Knight Lieutenant already!? Could he have a Ma more strict than mine urging him on with swordplay?
About Fu Xuan
I think about this every time I listen to Diviner Fu talk. We are both from Xianzhou, but are we really speaking the same language?
About Yukong
I've heard Cloud Knight veterans talk about the legend of the "Starfire Fox." As the best ace pilot in the Luofu, Madam Yukong's starskiff records remain unbeaten! I didn't expect her to talk in such a polite way when I met her~
About Tingyun
I saw Tingyun in so many shops and just thought she was a customer who's always buying stuff... Then I heard all those shops are hers!
About Qingque
She's the girl playing in the games parlor, right? She must have played for years to be that good... With how good her skills are, it's almost a martial art for her.
About Luocha
That outsider looks weak, but is pretty brave. If he weren't on the Xianzhou and hadn't met me, he'd totally get robbed just for lugging such a huge case around.
About Bailu
Bailu... I—it's that Healer Lady. I heard that her crying can cure patients... that sounds impossible! But she is a Vidyadhara after all... for them, the more outrageous something is, the more possible it becomes.
About Jingliu
"One sliver of moonlight, nine hundred lives" — in Mr. Xiyan's stories about Jingliu, I love this sentence the most. How come the Cloud Knights' records didn't say anything about such a swordmaster...?
About Guinaifen
I think Little Gui's talents would go unappreciated in a lot of settings... Being a street performer is her true calling!
About Xueyi
She might be tougher than flesh and blood, but not being able to feel pain...? I don't think that's a good thing.
About Huohuo
I don't know how exactly, but Huohuo manages to keep that Tail of hers in check, even though she's terrified of heliobi... It proves she's got some serious talent!
About Dan Heng
Seems like "Silent but Deadly" has caught the eye of a fair few heavy hitters. So does that mean he's a big fish, now? Maybe one day I'll get to hear his story.
Eidolon Activation
Sooner or later, I'll make my mark in history!
Character Ascension
My fighting skills have improved — I should let my mom know!
Max Level Reached
I heard that when your mastery of the sword improves, you can physically feel it... so this is what it feels like...
Trace Activation
One should always have dreams, you never know, they might actually come true one day!
Added to Team With Bailu
Miss Bailu — don't leave me on my own!
Added to Team With Guinaifen
Got any new ideas, Little Gui? I say we strike while the iron is hot!
Added to Team With Yanqing
It's Yanqing! This is my chance to check out his moves up close!
Added to Team With Luocha
Just focus on healing, and if you get into trouble, give me a shout!
Added to Team With Yukong
Madam Yukong, my skills are not yet adopt... Uh, adapt? Adept? F—Feel free to give me some advice!
Added to Team With Xueyi
Xueyi, your skills are amazing, but remember to take it easy on yourself...
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
No more playing nice!
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
So what? I won't surrender!
Turn Begins 1
Let me through, or I'll go through you.
Turn Begins 2
Hmph, wanna see what I can do?
Turn Idling
How does it go again? He who strikes first...? Ugh, just get on with it!
Basic ATK
You're not going anywhere!
Dodge this.
Hit by Light Attack
Don't your hands hurt?
Hit by Heavy Attack
Ultimate: Activate
Take this — Shape of Taixu!
Ultimate: Unleash
Rise, phoenix!
A little... too much fun...
Return to Battle
Cloud Knight Sushang, reporting!
Health Recovery
You're the best!
Battle Won
Get it now? That's the power of the Cloud Knights!
Treasure Opening 1
Wowww, look at that...
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Piece of cake!
Enemy Target Found
Quick, let's make a sneak attack!
Returning to Town
It's so early! Let's look around!
Treasure Opening 2
This little gadget is just what I wanted~
Precious Treasure Opening
Whoa... I can't believe I found this!
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
See, I knew I could do it!