Background Image - Main
Character Stat
The Nihility
Heart Afire
Heart Afire
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Deals Fire DMG equal to 50% of Jiaoqiu's ATK to a single target enemy.
Scorch Onslaught
Scorch Onslaught
Lv. 1
Deals Fire DMG equal to 75% of Jiaoqiu's ATK to a single target enemy and Fire DMG equal to 45% of Jiaoqiu's ATK to adjacent targets, with a 100% base chance to inflict 1 stack of Ashen Roast on the primary target.
Pyrograph Arcanum
Pyrograph Arcanum
Lv. 1
Sets the number of ""Ashen Roast"" stacks on enemy targets to the highest number of ""Ashen Roast"" stacks present on the battlefield. Then, activates a Zone and deals Fire DMG equal to 60% of Jiaoqiu's ATK to all enemies.
While inside the Zone, enemy targets receive 9.0% increased Ultimate DMG, with a 50% base chance of being inflicted with 1 stack of Ashen Roast when taking action. While the Zone exists, this effect can trigger up to 6 time(s). And for each enemy target, it can only trigger once per turn. This trigger count resets every time Jiaoqiu uses Ultimate.
The Zone lasts for 3 turn(s), and its duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn. If Jiaoqiu gets knocked down, the Zone will also be dispelled.
Quartet Finesse, Octave Finery
Quartet Finesse, Octave Finery
Lv. 1
When Jiaoqiu hits an enemy with Basic ATK, Skill or Ultimate, there is a 100% base chance to inflict 1 stack of Ashen Roast on them. At 1 stack, increases DMG received by the enemy by 7.5%. Then, each subsequent stack increases this by 2.5%.
Ashen Roast is capped at 5 stack(s) and lasts for 2 turn(s).
When an enemy target is afflicted with Ashen Roast, they are also considered as being Burned at the same time, taking Fire DoT equal to 90% of Jiaoqiu's ATK at the start of each turn.
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
Fiery Queller
Fiery Queller
After using Technique, creates a Special Dimension that lasts for 15 second(s). After entering combat with enemies in this Special Dimension, deals Fire DMG equal to 100% of Jiaoqiu's ATK to all enemies, with a 100% base chance of applying 1 ""Ashen Roast"" stack. Only 1 dimension created by allies can exist at the same time.
Pentapathic Transference
Pentapathic Transference
Lv. 1
Allies deal 40% increased DMG to enemy targets afflicted with Ashen Roast. Whenever inflicting Ashen Roast on an enemy target via triggering the Talent's effect, additionally increases the number of ""Ashen Roast"" stacks applied this time by 1.
From Savor Comes Suffer
From Savor Comes Suffer
Lv. 2
When an enemy target is afflicted with Ashen Roast, increases the multiplier for the Fire DoT dealt by Ashen Roast to this target by 300%.
Flavored Euphony Reigns Supreme
Flavored Euphony Reigns Supreme
Lv. 3
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Leisure In, Luster Out
Leisure In, Luster Out
Lv. 4
When the Zone exists, reduces enemy target's ATK by 15%.
Duel in Dawn, Dash in Dusk
Duel in Dawn, Dash in Dusk
Lv. 5
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Nonamorphic Pyrobind
Nonamorphic Pyrobind
Lv. 6
When an enemy target gets defeated, their accumulated ""Ashen Roast"" stacks will transfer to the enemy with the lowest number of ""Ashen Roast"" stacks on the battlefield. The maximum stack limit of Ashen Roast increases to 9, and each ""Ashen Roast"" stack reduces the target's All-Type RES by 3%.
Lv 20
Lv 30
Lv 40
Lv 50
Lv 60
Lv 70
Mark Whitten
The Xianzhou Yaoqing
First Meeting
It's nice to meet you! I am Jiaoqiu, the Yaoqing's military healer, under the command of Feixiao, the Merlin's Claw. I suppose I'm also her advisor. What should you call me? Jiao, for short? Or Qiu, perhaps? I guess we're only saving ourselves one syllable either way.
Why are you getting so skinny these days? Shall we eat to live, or live to eat? I know, let's go for some hot pot.
What? Not even a farewell dinner? Haha, don't worry, I promise next time the hot pot won't be too spicy!
About Self: Art of Healing
Though my medical expertise is derived from the culinary Ranzhi tradition, it has become a discipline in its own right. After all, the Yaoqing's traditional culinary medicine didn't make use of tools such as the "nine-squared grid."
About Self: Art of Cooking
No matter how many times I say it, people always forget — cooking is medicine, and making medicine is cooking. Using food to treat the sick is my specialty. As the saying goes, a chef who doesn't want to be a healer isn't worth his salt... or pepper, for that matter.
Chat: Strategy
Attacking with fire will allow you to break camp — an intelligent move. Attacking with water will allow you to consolidate — a strong tactic. With fire and water together, the enemy will be turned to stew, much like the one bubbling in front of us.
Chat: Dietary Restrictions
There are four things I won't eat: I don't eat plain soup because it's boring; I don't eat anything lacking spice because it's uninteresting; I don't eat yuanyang hot pot because it's impure; and I don't eat coriander, because it's bad for the stomach. But of course, if someone else is treating me to a meal, I can make an exception.
I've never had any hobbies in my life besides spicy food. When I eat spicy food, I feel not only pain, but also joy and comfort... It makes me feel like I'm still alive.
Bandit in life, death in vain; Fox in shadow, rabbit in plain. Mighty reigns, justice wanes; Epochs of heroes' blood in our veins. Never mind any of that... I was just talking to myself.
Something to Share
There are many ways to cook hot pot, but I've always thought that chili peppers were the essential ingredient... A mouthful of spicy goodness, that's what satisfies. If it were not for this, life would have no flavor at all.
In the not-too-distant ancient times, people didn't care much about their own lives, let alone the lives of others. The history behind the idea that life is precious, in fact, is very short.
About Feixiao
General Feixiao is my benefactor and patient. A doctor's life belongs to his patient. I cannot leave this world before she's cured.
About Moze
My duty is to heal the general, and Moze's duty is to suppress her eagerness. That's why I'm in charge of cooking and medicine, and Moze handles all the dirty work. You see, neither of us can slack off.
About Jing Yuan
How much of that smile of his is genuine, how much of it is hiding something — Every time I see him, I can't help but wonder. Of course, this isn't his problem. It's mine.
About Huaiyan
In the entire Alliance, Huaiyan is the most inscrutable of the generals. I've worked with him on more than a few occasions, but I can never seem to figure him out.
About Sushang
When I first met Sushang, she was still in Suyi's arms, sucking her thumb. It feels like it was just yesterday when I was helping her skip classes and being scolded by Suyi... I'm getting old.
About Yanqing
I didn't expect to see someone his age still using a sword as a toy... From generation to generation, it seems some things never change.
About Yunli
Miss Yunli may be the second youngest member of the Flamewheel Octet, but she is no less a swordsmaster than the other seven. Some might suspect her of benefitting from her connection to Huaiyan, but she could not have endured such rigor and refinement if she were not a valuable talent in her own right.
About Fu Xuan
Anyone who says the master diviner is eccentric should pay a visit to her home world, the Xianzhou Yuque. That's the heartland of the followers of the Wisdomwalker. I'm guessing every conversation on the Yuque is some permutation of "he knows that you know that I know that he knows..."
About Yukong
Like Helm Master Yukong, after the war 30 years ago, I've grown weary of fighting.
About Bailu
I hope that she actually enjoys the art of medicine, and that it's not just a responsibility imposed on her... But that seems to be a predicament most Vidyadhara have to grapple with.
About Lingsha
Head of the Alchemy Commission is not a position that can be filled with just a handful of good medical skills — even with the right skills, filling the position and holding it are two entirely different matters.
About Guinaifen
Guinaifen might not realize it, but by living her life like a roaring fire, she also illuminates the lives of others... like the little flame under a hot pot.
About Xueyi and Hanya
Those two sisters epitomize the failures of the Xianzhou Alliance — no one can live well and no one can die well. If even death is a luxury, then what kind of monsters have we become?
Eidolon Activation
To merely be alive is not the goal.
Character Ascension
Still not spicy enough! Keep turning up the heat!
Max Level Reached
A familiar sense of security... It burns from the inside out.
Trace Activation
I hope that with this, I can help more people live better lives.
Added to Team With {NICKNAME}
With your skills, we'll get out of this in one piece... right?
Added to Team With Jing Yuan
Never imagined that in this life I would be fighting alongside the Divine Foresight himself.
Added to Team With Sushang
Such a great ancestral treasure is wielded by your hands? Impressive, Sushang.
Added to Team With Yanqing
Safety first, Yanqing. If anything happens to you, I'll never be able to face General Jing Yuan...
Added to Team With Yunli
Miss Yunli, it's dangerous here. Just keep your distance, alright... I'm going to call your grandfather over...
Added to Team With Bailu
Dragon Lady, here's some candy for you. Keep it safe, and keep it secret~
Added to Team With Moze
I'll fan the flames. You sneak in from the shadows~
Added to Team With Feixiao
Oh, General, seems like I can't change your mind about this battle no matter what I say... Maybe we should save our talk for after.
Added to Team With Lingsha
Show me your skills, Lingsha.
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
I still prefer adding fuel to the fire.
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
You refuse the toast, yet you still want the wine?
Turn Begins 1
Let the enemy strike first, and then take them by surprise.
Turn Begins 2
Better to make no move than wait for your move.
Turn Idling
Think thrice, act wise; though oft twice, shall suffice.
Basic ATK
Turn up the heat.
Skill 1
Needs a little more heat.
Skill 2
Let's add more seasoning.
Hit by Light Attack
Ahh... My back...
Hit by Heavy Attack
It's just a tuina massage...
Ultimate: Activate
I'm honored by your presence...
Ultimate: Unleash
Since you're already here, why not have a meal before you leave?
I'm sorry... General...
Return to Battle
I cannot rest until my wish is fulfilled.
Health Recovery
Thank you for your generosity.
A slow simmer over low heat, or a quick stir-fry over high heat?
Battle Won
I am not from a military background, nor do I seek military success.
Treasure Opening 1
Oh, this should be spent wisely.
Treasure Opening 2
Why keep such good things so hidden?
Precious Treasure Opening
Good fortune should be shared.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
It's better to use your brain and save your strength.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Not bad. It could even use some more intensity.
Enemy Target Found
This place is dangerous. Advance with caution.
Returning to Town
Wherever crowds gather, there is always an undercurrent beneath the surface.