Silver Wolf
System Warning
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Deals Quantum DMG equal to 50% of Silver Wolf's ATK to a single enemy.
Allow Changes?
Lv. 1
There is a 75% base chance to add 1 Weakness of an on-field character's Type to the target enemy. This also reduces the enemy's DMG RES to that Weakness Type by 20% for 2 turn(s). If the enemy already has that Type Weakness, the effect of DMG RES reduction to that Weakness Type will not be triggered.
Each enemy can only have 1 Weakness implanted by Silver Wolf. When Silver Wolf implants another Weakness to the target, only the most recent implanted Weakness will be kept.
In addition, there is a100% base chance to further reduce the All-Type RES of the enemy by 7.5% for 2 turn(s).
Deals Quantum DMG equal to98% of Silver Wolf's ATK to this enemy.
Each enemy can only have 1 Weakness implanted by Silver Wolf. When Silver Wolf implants another Weakness to the target, only the most recent implanted Weakness will be kept.
In addition, there is a
Deals Quantum DMG equal to
User Banned
Lv. 1
There's a 85% base chance to decrease the target enemy's DEF by 36.0% for 3 turn(s). And at the same time, deals Quantum DMG equal to 228% of Silver Wolf's ATK to the target enemy.
Awaiting System Response...
Lv. 1
Silver Wolf can create three types of Bugs: Reduce ATK by 5.0% , reduce DEF by 4.0% , and reduce SPD by 3.0% .
Every time Silver Wolf attacks, she has a60% base chance to implant a random Bug that lasts for 3 turn(s) in an enemy target.
Every time Silver Wolf attacks, she has a
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
Force Quit Program
Immediately attacks the enemy. After entering battle, deals Quantum DMG equal to 80% of Silver Wolf's ATK to all enemies, and ignores Weakness Types and reduces Toughness from all enemies. Enemies with their Weakness Broken in this way will trigger the Quantum Weakness Break effect.
Social Engineering
Lv. 1
After using her Ultimate to attack enemies, Silver Wolf regenerates 7 Energy for every debuff that the target enemy currently has. This effect can be triggered up to 5 time(s) in each use of her Ultimate.
Zombie Network
Lv. 2
When an enemy enters battle, reduces their Effect RES by 20% .
Lv. 3
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15 .
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.15 .
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv.
Bounce Attack
Lv. 4
After using her Ultimate to attack enemies, deals Additional Quantum DMG equal to 20% of Silver Wolf's ATK for every debuff currently on the enemy target. This effect can be triggered for a maximum of 5 time(s) during each use of her Ultimate.
Brute Force Attack
Lv. 5
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15 .
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv.10 .
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv.
Overlay Network
Lv. 6
For every debuff the target enemy has, the DMG dealt by Silver Wolf increases by 20% , up to a limit of 100% .
Melissa Fahn
Stellaron Hunters
First Meeting
Hey, {NICKNAME}, you seem pretty cool. That Stellaron hasn't affected you at all?
You're online today too?
Done everything you needed to? Good, don't want to climb into bed only to realize you forgot to finish your dailies. Bye-bye.
About Self: Name
It's the same as my screen name. Isn't yours, {NICKNAME}?
Chat: Universe
*sigh* I wish this universe had a few more things to do. Don't you get bored running across the map every day?
Chat: Prometheus
Prometheus is equipped with four modules — "friend" is the most talkative... "Friends are fated — a toast to our friendship!"
Burying my head under a pillow for a siesta, and pinching cute things.
Nobody gets to open an alt account, not even Elio.
Something to Share
When I hacked into the space station, I thought I may as well make some changes to Screwllum's portrait... but I changed it back in the end.
My favorite games always update on the same day. Do you think it's deliberate?
About Kafka
Ignoring the rules is something Kafka and I have in common.
About Blade
He said he'd game with me once his hand healed up, but it seems like it still isn't any better.
About Screwllum
It is always me that has to make the first move... That guy never loses his cool, does he?
About Sam
Doing a mission with Sam is basically: Bang, bang...! Bang! And then it's over.
About Firefly
If Firefly's life was a game. It'd probably be a high-difficulty, single-player, action/speedrun thing... Everyone wants to play games like that, but no one wants a life like that.
Eidolon Activation
Could've done it using console commands.
Character Ascension
Gaming is a full-time pursuit.
Max Level Reached
Maxed out? Time for the endgame.
Trace Activation
Stop worrying about the stats — have some fun!
Added to Team With Kafka
Hey Kafka, can I go off-script this time?
Added to Team With Blade
...You gonna say something? Chat's enabled, y'know.
Added to Team With Firefly
Don't push yourself too hard... Doesn't matter if I'm there or not — it's no fun beating the game too fast.
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
You took the bait just like that?
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
Might be trickier to crack.
Turn Begins 1
Can you let me have some fun this time?
Turn Begins 2
Huh, more enemies.
Turn Idling
...I've got a raid to get to — let's finish this.
Time for a buzz.
Hit by Light Attack
Hit by Heavy Attack
Bad news.
Ultimate: Activate
This combat needs optimizing.
Ultimate: Unleash
Hmph, at this speed? Too slow!
Return to Battle
Nice. Rematch.
Health Recovery
Good as new.
Battle Won
Nice, let's do it again when you're leveled up.
Treasure Opening 1
Is that it? *sigh* Stingy chest.
Treasure Opening 2
Wow, what an amazingly ordinary find!
Precious Treasure Opening
That's more like it.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Is it always the same mechanics?
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Hm, not a bad time.
Enemy Target Found
Ready when you are.
Returning to Town
Time to log off... I mean, ah, head back.