Background Image - Main
Character Stat
The Destruction
Order: Flare Propulsion
Order: Flare Propulsion
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Deals Fire DMG equal to 50% of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy.
Order: Aerial Bombardment
Order: Aerial Bombardment
Lv. 1
Consumes HP equal to 40% of this unit's Max HP and regenerates a fixed amount of Energy equal to 50% of this unit's Max Energy. Deals Fire DMG equal to 100% of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy. If the current HP is not sufficient, reduces SAM's HP to 1 when using this Skill. Advances this unit's next Action by 25%.
Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion
Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion
Lv. 1
Enters the Complete Combustion state, advances this unit's Action by 100%, and gains Enhanced Basic ATK and Enhanced Skill. While in Complete Combustion, increases SPD by 30, and when using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break efficiency by 50% and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by 10.0%, lasting until this current attack ends.
A countdown timer for the Complete Combustion state appears on the Action Order. When the countdown timer's turn starts, SAM exits the Complete Combustion state. The countdown timer has a fixed SPD of 70.
SAM cannot use Ultimate while in Complete Combustion.
Chrysalid Pyronexus
Chrysalid Pyronexus
Lv. 1
The lower the HP, the less DMG received. When HP is 20% or lower, the DMG Reduction reaches its maximum effect, reducing up to 20%. During the Complete Combustion, the DMG Reduction remains at its maximum effect, and the Effect RES increases by 10%.
If Energy is lower than 50% when the battle starts, regenerates Energy to 50%. Once Energy is regenerated to its maximum, dispels all debuffs on this unit.
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
Δ Order: Meteoric Incineration
Δ Order: Meteoric Incineration
Leaps into the air and moves about freely for 5 seconds, which can be ended early by launching a plunging attack. When the duration ends, plunges and immediately attacks all enemies within a set area. At the start of each wave, applies a Fire Weakness to all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s). Then, deals Fire DMG equal to 200% of SAM's ATK to all enemies.
Fyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic Decimation
Fyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic Decimation
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Restores HP by an amount equal to 20% of this unit's Max HP. Deals Fire DMG equal to 100% of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy.
Fyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar Overload
Fyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar Overload
Lv. 1
Restores HP by an amount equal to 25% of this unit's Max HP. Applies Fire Weakness to a single target enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Deals Fire DMG equal to (0.2 × Break Effect + 100.0%) of SAM's ATK to this target. At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to (0.1 × Break Effect + 50.0%) of SAM's ATK to adjacent targets. The Break Effect taken into the calculation is capped at 360%.
In Reddened Chrysalis, I Once Rest
In Reddened Chrysalis, I Once Rest
Lv. 1
When using the Enhanced Skill, ignores 15% of the target's DEF. The Enhanced Skill does not consume Skill Points.
From Shattered Sky, I Free Fall
From Shattered Sky, I Free Fall
Lv. 2
While in Complete Combustion, using the Enhanced Basic ATK or the Enhanced Skill to defeat an enemy target or to break their Weakness allows SAM to immediately gain 1 extra turn. This effect can trigger again after 1 turn(s).
Amidst Silenced Stars, I Deep Sleep
Amidst Silenced Stars, I Deep Sleep
Lv. 3
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Upon Lighted Fyrefly, I Soon Gaze
Upon Lighted Fyrefly, I Soon Gaze
Lv. 4
While in Complete Combustion, increases SAM's Effect RES by 50%.
From Undreamt Night, I Thence Shine
From Undreamt Night, I Thence Shine
Lv. 5
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
In Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom
In Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom
Lv. 6
While in Complete Combustion, increases SAM's Fire RES PEN by 20%. When using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases the Weakness Break efficiency by 50%.
Lv 20
Lv 30
Lv 40
Lv 50
Lv 60
Lv 70
Analesa Fisher & Adin Rudd
Stellaron Hunters
First Meeting
Hi, we meet again... What I mean is, it's nice to see you. Just call me Firefly, as always.
Where do you want to go today, {NICKNAME}? Let's go together.
The good times always pass so quickly. See you next time!
About Self: Identity
I'm sorry, I didn't intend to hide this... I have to fulfill Sam's mission according to the script. That aside... there are my personal motives: I wish to get to know this world as Firefly.
About Self: Sam
SAM — Iron Cavalry of the Firmament Frontline, Fyrefly Type-IV Strategic Assault Mecha... To others, it's a weapon for opposing the Swarm, but really it's just me... I know Sam is the cradle of my vitality and the meaning of my existence, but I hope... it isn't all of me.
About Self: Future
Elio can see his own future, and I can also "see" mine. He says that there is only one kind of destiny, but before I reach mine, I want to know what else I can do... This is my right.
Chat: Fyrefly
Fyreflies are such magical creatures, aren't they? They may throw themselves at a flame or suddenly grow old, but every night before that, they will shine brighter than the stars.
Hobbies: Excursions
Wild grass, berries, butterflies, a cool breeze... When I want fresh air, I like to go out where the plants grow wild and touch the life-filled world with my own hands.
Annoyances: Sleep
I don't have the ability to dream, and I need much less sleep than normal people. Every night, I go up to the roof to gaze at the sea of stars and watch the lights turn on and go out, and the boats go in and out of the harbor... until the sun rises.
Annoyances: Bugs
Fireflies and butterflies often fly to me, but spiders and cockroaches come too... That's why I prefer cold places. But when the temperature drops, I also don't want to move. What a dilemma...
Something to Share: Wish
From the day I set foot on the battlefield, I knew that my blazing wings would eventually be extinguished. All I can hope is, before I return to the earth, I'll be able to see... the brightest light in the sky.
Knowledge: The Swarm
When the Silver Sting Swarm lands on a planet, it looks like glittering snow has fallen. After every battle, I look back... and see the ice-cold remains of the cavalry in the swirl of silver fragments.
About Silver Wolf
She always complains that I don't have any strategy when I play games. She says I just go "clank-clank-clank, bang bang!" and it's over. But I can't learn that trick of hers, called... uh "cheesing?" Am I just too stupid?
About Kafka
She willingly approaches me, and when I try to approach her, I get the feeling that the distance between us is getting bigger and bigger... Kafka told me: "When making friends with someone, keep the right distance, in order to maintain a long-lasting relationship." But I don't think she actually believes this.
About Blade
He seeks an ending through "death" while I seek an opportunity for "life." Though we walk on opposite paths, we will reach the same destination, and he... will not become destiny's slave.
About Acheron
I can see... she once walked in the rain, once burned in battle, and once held the cold ashes in her hands — in a way completely different from mine.
About Black Swan
Even if life is short, memories can be eternal. As long as Black Swan still remembers me, the mark I leave on this world will not disappear.
About Gallagher
Learning about everything he experienced is like reading a brilliant novel. You know that the people are made up, but you still can't help but feel joy and sadness for them. Maybe by the end, we'll have long-lost track of who the author, the reader, and the characters are.
About Robin
Her gorgeous attire, her exquisite voice, her gentle demeanor... They all cause many people to underestimate her. But compared to her glittering appearance, her bravery and purity leave an even deeper impression.
About Jade
Jade stone can be pawned off, but not everything can be used in an exchange. Outside of life itself, there are more valuable things that I don't want to give up.
Eidolon Activation
A life as frail as a cicada's wings can still burn brightly.
Character Ascension
The final stop is close.
Max Level Reached
Maybe I can finally have my own dreams...
Trace Activation
One step at a time, and your dreams will come true, right?
Added to Team With {NICKNAME}
Don't be nervous, {NICKNAME}... Just cooperate with me, like you did before.
Added to Team With Silver Wolf
A battle is not a game... I know when to stop.
Added to Team With Blade
We will find the answers we desire in the midst of battle.
Added to Team With Kafka
I want to try not following the script this time... Is that alright, Kafka?
Added to Team With Acheron
What will they experience on the journey to the other side?
Added to Team With Jade
One day, you will understand my perseverance.
Added to Team With Robin
It's an honor to fight to the sound of Miss Robin's voice.
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
Initiate clean-up.
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
Target sighted. All units on alert.
(Complete Combustion) Battle Begins: Weakness Break
I will claim victory for myself.
Turn Begins 1
Sam, in position.
Turn Begins 2
Joining the battle.
(Complete Combustion) Turn Begins 1
Fyrefly Type-IV, in position.
(Complete Combustion) Turn Begins 2
This is more than a battle.
Turn Idling
Sam, awaiting orders.
(Complete Combustion) Turn Idling
Fyrefly Type-IV, awaiting orders.
(Complete Combustion) Enhanced Basic Attack: Unleash
Move four — ignite.
Skill 1
Executing attack.
Skill 2
Prime, detonate.
(Complete Combustion) Skill 1
I shall... set the seas ablaze!
(Complete Combustion) Skill 2
Live to fight, fight to live!
Hit by Light Attack
Attack detected.
Hit by Heavy Attack
(Complete Combustion) Hit by Light Attack
Attack detected.
(Complete Combustion) Hit by Heavy Attack
Ultimate: Activate
Like fyreflies to a flame... life begets death.
Ultimate: Unleash
I will fight for myself, until everything... burns to ashes!
Mission... terminated...
Return to Battle
Returning to battlefield.
Health Recovery
Support received.
Fyrefly Type-IV, activate!
Battle Won
Every victory is hard-won.
Treasure Opening 1
No danger detected. But never let your guard down.
Treasure Opening 2
Inspection complete. Nothing suspicious.
Precious Treasure Opening
Full of supplies... a rare find.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Mechanism deactivated.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Impressive... Impeccable precision.
Enemy Target Found
Danger ahead, ready yourself.
Returning to Town
Let me stay here a little longer, in this body...
(Complete Combustion) Return to Battle
There's no turning back from here.
(Complete Combustion) Health Recovery
Thanks. I will keep fighting.
(Complete Combustion) Downed
Mission... terminated...