Background Image - Main
Character Stat
The Erudition
Lash of Riches
Lash of Riches
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Deals Quantum DMG equal to 45% of Jade's ATK to a single target enemy, and Quantum DMG equal to 15% of Jade's ATK to adjacent enemies.
Acquisition Surety
Acquisition Surety
Lv. 1
Makes a single target ally become the Debt Collector and increases their SPD by 30, lasting for 3 turn(s).
After the Debt Collector attacks, deals 1 instance of Additional Quantum DMG equal to 15% of Jade's ATK to each enemy target hit, and consumes the Debt Collector's HP by an amount equal to 2% of their Max HP. If the current HP is insufficient, reduces HP to 1.
If Jade becomes the Debt Collector, she cannot gain the SPD boost effect, and her attacks do not consume HP.
When the Debt Collector exists on the field, Jade cannot use her Skill. At the start of Jade's every turn, the Debt Collector's duration reduces by 1 turn.
Vow of the Deep
Vow of the Deep
Lv. 1
Deals Quantum DMG equal to 120% of Jade's ATK to all enemies. At the same time, Jade enhances her Talent's follow-up attack, increasing its DMG multiplier by 40%. This enhancement can trigger 2 time(s).
Fang of Flare Flaying
Fang of Flare Flaying
Lv. 1
After Jade or the Debt Collector unit attacks, gains 1 point of Charge for each enemy target hit. Upon reaching 8 points of Charge, consumes the 8 points to launch 1 instance of follow-up attack, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 60% of Jade's ATK to all enemies. This follow-up attack does not generate Charge.
When launching her Talent's follow-up attack, Jade immediately gains 5 stack(s) of Pawned Asset, with each stack increasing CRIT DMG by 1.2%, stacking up to 50 times.
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
Visionary Predation
Visionary Predation
After using the Technique, inflicts enemies within a set area with Blind Fealty for 10 second(s). Enemies inflicted with Blind Fealty will not initiate attacks on allies. When entering battle via actively attacking enemies inflicted with Blind Fealty, all enemies with Blind Fealty will enter combat simultaneously. After entering battle, deals Quantum DMG equal to 50% of Jade's ATK to all enemies, and immediately gains 15 stack(s) of Pawned Asset.
Altruism? Nevertheless Tradable
Altruism? Nevertheless Tradable
Lv. 1
The follow-up attack DMG from Jade's Talent increases by 32%. After the Debt Collector character attacks and the number of the enemy target(s) hit is either 2 or 1, Jade additionally gains 1 or 2 point(s) of Charge respectively.
Morality? Herein Authenticated
Morality? Herein Authenticated
Lv. 2
When there are 15 stacks of Pawned Asset, Jade's CRIT Rate increases by 18%.
Honesty? Soon Mortgaged
Honesty? Soon Mortgaged
Lv. 3
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Sincerity? Put Option Only
Sincerity? Put Option Only
Lv. 4
When using Ultimate, enables the DMG dealt by Jade to ignore 12% of enemy targets' DEF, lasting for 3 turn(s).
Hope? Hitherto Forfeited
Hope? Hitherto Forfeited
Lv. 5
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Equity? Pending Sponsorship
Equity? Pending Sponsorship
Lv. 6
When the Debt Collector character exists on the field, Jade's Quantum RES PEN increases by 20%, and Jade gains the Debt Collector state.
Lv 20
Lv 30
Lv 40
Lv 50
Lv 60
Lv 70
Faye Mata
Interastral Peace Corporation
First Meeting
Hello, my name is Jade. I'm here at your request. If you'd like to take out a loan, you must put something of equal value up as collateral... Your dignity, your feelings, or even your life. What are you willing to exchange?
Are you feeling lost? Don't worry, we can chat about whatever you want.
Work is always exhausting. I've run out of chit-chat for today. Come back tomorrow to talk about collaboration.
About Self: Credit
Wealth is the recipe to happiness. Giving it to those who desire happiness is making the best use of it. In this way, my job also brings people happiness. Anyone can receive this blessing... They only have to pay an equivalent price.
About Self: Benevolence
"Lady Bonajade?" These are just my small contributions, there's really nothing to thank me for. Most "benevolence" in the universe has a hidden price tag, but true kindness is stronger than any contract.
Chat: Debt
Without written records, value cannot be quantified, and judgment is based only on thoughts and feelings... For guests of noble character, favors are the heaviest debt.
Chat: Redemption
I don't mind if customers buy back their collateral after they accomplish what they want, but I'll propose an even better alternative to them. A way to make them go further and climb higher, at a small price... Guess what they choose in the end?
Rather than collecting jewels that have already been shaped... I'm more fascinated by the process of turning an unrefined stone into a precious gem.
An investment isn't charity. Don't lose sight of that.
Something to Share
The IPC is full of talented people, but only a handful can stand out from the crowd. Sometimes I keep an eye out, on behalf of Diamond — picking from all the ores the few with the most potential.
I once met an unfortunate customer whose homeland was about to be destroyed. Even though he offered up everything, the subsidies weren't enough to save his home. In the end, this beautiful jade bead is the only proof of his planet's existence in the whole wide universe...
About the Astral Express
The actions and desires of the Nameless are always sincere. When dealing with you, the same sincerity is the most fitting price.
About Aventurine
Young people grow up so fast. In the blink of an eye, they reach the age where they start snatching work from the grown-ups.
About Topaz
She is still a work in progress. But one day she'll stop and realize... the first principle of negotiating a deal is to keep pressing after a victory.
About Sparkle
Not everyone can appreciate this kind of gemstone — the more unrefined and unbridled it is, the more beautiful... But it's too early to unearth now.
Eidolon Activation
Once an agreement is made, you must uphold it to the very end.
Character Ascension
What I'm after... is more than just jewelry.
Max Level Reached
I have an even better deal. Why don't you come hear about it?
Trace Activation
This collateral's not bad. I'll take it.
Added to Team With {NICKNAME}
Can a life made of a Stellaron show desire?
Added to Team With Aventurine
What kind of schemes are lurking behind those pretty eyes?
Added to Team With Topaz
Come, our partnership has no chance of failure.
Added to Team With Sparkle
What is that clever little head thinking about now? Don't worry, you don't have to tell me.
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
Oh, look, a VIP has dropped by.
Turn Begins 1
You've got to lose some, to win some.
Turn Begins 2
Give an inch, and they'll definitely take a mile.
Turn Idling
Relax, patience is my middle name.
Basic ATK
Need a hand?
Skill 1
Don't let me down now.
Skill 2
I always make good on my promises.
Hit by Light Attack
Just a graze.
Hit by Heavy Attack
Not bad.
Ultimate: Activate
We have a deal.
Ultimate: Unleash
There's no backing out now, for me... or for you.
Talent 1
Bending the rules, are we?
Talent 2
Time for a lesson.
Talent Enhanced 1
So, who's the little backstabber here?
Talent Enhanced 2
What's the matter? Eager for some more self-inflicted misery?
I miscalculated...
Return to Battle
Never hurts to have a plan B.
Health Recovery
Guess I owe you one.
There's a good child, do as you're told.
Battle Won
I'll keep your desires close to my heart.
Treasure Opening 1
Hmm... Not exactly eye-catching.
Treasure Opening 2
Is that all? Hardly worth the bother.
Precious Treasure Opening
Now this might be worth something!
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Not a bad way to kill time.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Take a quick five, and relax a bit.
Enemy Target Found
See that one there? Let's wring them dry.
Returning to Town
Finally, a rare break. Why don't we head to the Bonajade Exchange and hang out for a bit?