Background Image - Main
Character Stat
The Hunt
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Deals Wind DMG equal to 50% of Feixiao's ATK to a single target enemy.
Lv. 1
Deals Wind DMG equal to 100% of Feixiao's ATK to a target enemy. Then, immediately launches 1 instance of Talent's follow-up attack against the target.
Lv. 1
Deals Wind DMG to a single target enemy, up to 402% of Feixiao's ATK. During this time, can ignore Weakness Type to reduce the target's Toughness. When the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100%.
During the attack, Feixiao first launches ""Boltsunder Blitz"" or ""Waraxe Skyward"" on the target, for a total of 6 time(s).
At the end, deals Wind DMG equal to 96% of Feixiao's ATK to the target.
Lv. 1
Can activate Ultimate when ""Flying Aureus"" reaches 6 points, accumulating up to 12 points. Feixiao gains 1 point of ""Flying Aureus"" for every 2 attacks by ally targets. Feixiao's Ultimate attacks do not count towards this number.
After Feixiao's teammates attack an enemy target, Feixiao immediately launches follow-up attack against the primary target, dealing Wind DMG equal to 55% of Feixiao's ATK. If there is no primary target available to attack, Feixiao attacks a single random enemy instead. This effect can only trigger once per turn and the trigger count resets at the start of Feixiao's turn. When using this attack, increases DMG dealt by this unit by 30%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
After using Technique, enters the ""Onrush"" state, lasting for 20 seconds. While in ""Onrush,"" pulls in enemies within a certain range, and increases this unit's movement speed by 50%. After entering battle, gains 1 point(s) of ""Flying Aureus.""
While in ""Onrush,"" actively attacking will start battle with all pulled enemies. After entering battle, deals Wind DMG equal to 200% of Feixiao's ATK to all enemies at the start of each wave. This DMG is guaranteed to CRIT. If more than 1 enemy is pulled in, increases the multiplier of this DMG by 100% for each additional enemy pulled in, up to a maximum of 1000%.
Boltsunder Blitz
Boltsunder Blitz
Lv. 1
Deals Wind DMG equal to 36% of Feixiao's ATK to the chosen target. If the target is Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 15%.
Waraxe Skyward
Waraxe Skyward
Lv. 1
Deals Wind DMG equal to 36% of Feixiao's ATK to the chosen target. If the target is not Weakness Broken, the DMG multiplier increases by 15%.
Skyward I Quell
Skyward I Quell
Lv. 1
After launching ""Boltsunder Blitz"" or ""Waraxe Skyward,"" additionally increases the Ultimate DMG dealt by Feixiao by an amount equal to 10% of the original DMG, stacking up to 5 time(s) and lasting until the end of the Ultimate action.
Moonward I Wish
Moonward I Wish
Lv. 2
In the Talent's effect, for every 1 instance of follow-up attack launched by ally targets, Feixiao gains 1 point of ""Flying Aureus."" This effect can trigger up to 6 time(s) per turn.
Starward I Bode
Starward I Bode
Lv. 3
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Stormward I Hear
Stormward I Hear
Lv. 4
The follow-up attack from Talent has its Toughness Reduction increased by 100%, and when it launches, increases this unit's SPD by 8%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Heavenward I Leap
Heavenward I Leap
Lv. 5
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Homeward I Near
Homeward I Near
Lv. 6
Increases the All-Type RES PEN of Ultimate DMG dealt by Feixiao by 20%. Talent's follow-up attack DMG is considered as Ultimate DMG at the same time, and its DMG multiplier increases by 140%.
Lv 20
Lv 30
Lv 40
Lv 50
Lv 60
Lv 70
Anairis Quinones
The Xianzhou Yaoqing
First Meeting
I'm Feixiao, general of the Xianzhou Yaoqing. Now that we're acquainted, should the Astral Express run into any trouble, feel free to contact me. The Yaoqing will be there in an instant.
You're here, then let's get straight to business.
I'm heading out. I hope the next time we meet, we'll both have several more victories to our names.
About Self: General
"The Merlin's Claw" is what's written in the books, and the "Vanquishing General" is what people call me. The former sounds too formal, the latter too exaggerated. Neither suits me. I prefer my own title, the "Lacking General" — lacking in worries, regrets, and rivals.
About Self: Moon Rage
"Moon Rage" isn't so much a disease as it is my past and future. One can let go of the past, but must always face the future.
About Self: Inner Beast
It is my blood, born from Moon Rage, coursing through my veins. The more I wield it, the more it grows, yet for the sake of the Xianzhou's triumph, I have no reason to pause. God of the Skybow, let's have a competition — my speed outpaces that of a shooting star.
Chat: The Hunt
Life is ephemeral, and I only wish to be a piercing arrowhead — to be The Hunt — until my very last breath.
Chat: Running
When I run, time seems to flow especially slowly. Being able to think at a leisurely pace is quite nice for someone with my impatience.
I used to enjoy a drink with General Yueyu. We called it a small drink... but I could only take small sips, while she would down cup after glass without pause. Now, whenever I raise a glass, I can't help but think of her, and I find myself drinking faster and faster without realizing.
There will come a day when the abominations are completely eliminated — that's a given. But will we live to see that day? I feel more regret than worry at that prospect.
Something to Share
The Yaoqing and the IPC collaborate on many things — there's no denying it. This also means when we fight the abominations, the IPC support us unreservedly. Abominations don't care about who owns this planet and will happily wreck a multi-trillion-credit industry, and our friends at the IPC are not the charitable type.
I once followed the trail of a shooting star, and in doing so, I found freedom. But the place where it fell is no longer there.
About Huaiyan
Despite all the hardships elder Huaiyan has faced, he still finds joy in the world. He is an example every general should follow.
About Jing Yuan
"The Merlin's Claw vs. The Seiche Queller"... Many in the Alliance enjoy this kind of spectacle, and truthfully, so do I. When it comes to strategic brilliance and decisive outcomes, I wonder who would win, Jing Yuan or Yaoguang?
About Yanqing
What an amazing kid! Way more gifted than I was. If I were to mentor him, I'd surely turn him into a legendary warrior general! Unfortunately, his master doesn't follow this path... but I suppose having both wisdom and bravery is even more commendable.
About Yunli
Old master Huaiyan is so shrewd, yet the child he brought up is so forthright... It's a shame I can't devote myself entirely to mentoring a disciple, and I probably won't ever get it in this lifetime.
About Moze
I granted him permission to "assassinate" me anytime he wished. Lately, his attempts have become less frequent, but his accuracy has improved significantly. Good effort, but patience is key — the time for the perfect strike has yet to come.
About Jiaoqiu
Doc Jiao always complains that his face looks untrustworthy and people think he has too many crafty ideas. But when push comes to shove, you can absolutely depend on those ideas.
About Jiaoqiu 2
An eye for an eye, and a hundred times more.
About Lingsha
The most important skill for sorting out a mess is being tough and ruthless. Don't be deceived by her ethereal appearance... she has what it takes to put the Luofu's Alchemy Commission back in order.
About March 7th
That girl had some martial training already, so it makes sense she'd come to the Xianzhou to learn swordsmanship. She sure is dashing! But she lacks bravery... What's wrong with my axe? Not good enough for her?
About Yukong
Even after all this time, being by her side makes me feel like a young fox again... Perhaps it's because she's become more affectionate with age?
Eidolon Activation
Set me aflame! Let's find out if you can reduce me to cinders!
Character Ascension
Keep running forward, for this path has no end.
Max Level Reached
Merely reaching the finish line is nowhere near enough.
Trace Activation
Too slow! I can go even faster!
Added to Team With {NICKNAME}
{NICKNAME}, your call. I can take either side.
Added to Team With Jiaoqiu
Jiaoqiu, don't just focus on exercising your intellect. Take some care of yourself too.
Added to Team With Moze
I'll handle what's in front. You look after everything behind us.
Added to Team With Jing Yuan
What prey would require the attention of two generals? Let me see for myself.
Added to Team With March 7th
Nice form. Shall we compete to see how fast our "hunts" are?
Added to Team With Yanqing
I see that you have remarkable potential. How about trying a round of hand-to-hand combat?
Added to Team With Yunli
We'll wait for the right moment, then hit them hard on the head with a stick.
Added to Team With Lingsha
The creature in the burner is quite impressive... Can we use it as a decoy?
Added to Team With Yukong
Madam Yukong, looks like we're fighting side by side again.
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
You're falling apart on your own!
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
You look pretty lively. How about a one-on-one?
Turn Begins 1
Show me what you can do. I'll give you five seconds
Turn Begins 2
Have your fangs and claws dulled?
Turn Idling
There's no time like the present.
Basic ATK
This one, then.
Skill 1
Never back down, never hesitate!
Skill 2
Fearless and unstoppable!
Hit by Light Attack
You need to get stronger.
Hit by Heavy Attack
Now that's better.
Ultimate: Activate
I venture forth to hunt.
Ultimate: Unleash
Always soaring, forever triumphant!
Ultimate: Unleash — Final Hit
Victory is inevitable!
Talent 1
Too slow!
Talent 2
That won't do.
I... leave it to you...
Return to Battle
I'll see the general's duty through till my last breath.
Health Recovery
Thank you. Stay safe.
Technique 1
Let's save some time!
Technique 2
All together!
Battle Won
Yeah, it's over already. Fast enough for you?
Treasure Opening 1
Sometimes it's nice to slow down a bit.
Treasure Opening 2
Nice! But surely there's something better out there.
Precious Treasure Opening
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Woah~ Impressive!
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
My hands are just itching to chop it up.
Enemy Target Found
This one looks dangerous. Leave it to me.
Returning to Town
A short respite, then time for the next fight.