Background Image - Main
Character Stat
The Abundance
Votive Incense
Votive Incense
Basic ATK
Lv. 1
Deals Fire DMG equal to 50% of Lingsha's ATK to a single target enemy.
Smoke and Splendor
Smoke and Splendor
Lv. 1
Deals Fire DMG equal to 40% of Lingsha's ATK to all enemies and at the same time, restores HP equal to 10.0% of Lingsha's ATK plus 105 for all allies. Fuyuan's action advances by 20%.
Dripping Mistscape
Dripping Mistscape
Lv. 1
Inflicts ""Befog"" on all enemies. While in ""Befog,"" targets receive 15% increased Break DMG, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Deals Fire DMG equal to 90% of Lingsha's ATK to all enemies, and at the same time restores HP equal to 8.0% of Lingsha's ATK plus 90 for all allies. Fuyuan's action advances by 100%.
Mistdance Manifest
Mistdance Manifest
Lv. 1
When using Skill, summons Fuyuan, with an initial SPD of 90 and an initial action count of 3.
When taking action, Fuyuan launches follow-up attack, dealing Fire DMG equal to 38% of Lingsha's ATK to all enemies. Additionally deals Fire DMG equal to 38% of Lingsha's ATK to a single random enemy, and this DMG prioritizes targets that have both Toughness greater than 0 and Fire Weakness. Dispels 1 debuff(s) from all allies and restores HP equal to 8.0% of Lingsha's ATK plus 90.
Fuyuan's action count can accumulate up to 5. When the action count reaches 0 or when Lingsha is knocked down, Fuyuan disappears.
While Fuyuan is on the field, using Skill can increase Fuyuan's action count by 3.
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
Wisps of Aurora
Wisps of Aurora
After using Technique, immediately summons Fuyuan at the start of the next battle and inflicts ""Befog"" on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Bloom on Vileward Bouquet
Bloom on Vileward Bouquet
Lv. 1
Lingsha's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 50%. When an enemy unit's Weakness is Broken, reduces their DEF by 20%.
Leisure in Carmine Smokeveil
Leisure in Carmine Smokeveil
Lv. 2
When using Ultimate, increases all allies' Break Effect by 40%, lasting for 3 turn(s).
Shine of Floral Wick
Shine of Floral Wick
Lv. 3
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Redolence from Canopied Banquet
Redolence from Canopied Banquet
Lv. 4
When Fuyuan takes action, restores HP equal to 40% of Lingsha's ATK for the ally whose current HP is the lowest.
Poise Atop Twists and Turns
Poise Atop Twists and Turns
Lv. 5
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Arcadia Under Deep Seclusion
Arcadia Under Deep Seclusion
Lv. 6
While Fuyuan is on the field, reduces all enemies' All-Type RES by 20%. When Fuyuan attacks, additionally deals 4 instance(s) of DMG, with each instance dealing both Fire DMG equal to 50% of Lingsha's ATK and a Toughness Reduction of 5 to a single random enemy. This prioritizes targets with both Toughness greater than 0 and Fire Weakness.
Lv 20
Lv 30
Lv 40
Lv 50
Lv 60
Lv 70
Whitney Holland
The Xianzhou Luofu
First Meeting
It's a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Lingsha. I have returned to serve as the Head of the Luofu's Alchemy Commission after completing my studies on the Zhuming. If you are feeling unwell, I can arrange a healer for you at any time.
How are things going lately? Work is not going well, as usual. I envy the Nameless of the Express, as they can come and go as they please.
I smelled the scent of anxiety on you, so I used the Zhuming's sleeping powder and flame ambergris, mixed with sunset cinders, to make an incense called "Forget All Worries." Let me share some with you.
About Self: Background
I am a Vidyadhara, born and raised on the Luofu, and I once studied the healing arts under the name of "Dan Zhu." But my master became bogged down in politics and was banished to a place far from home. I followed her there. Now that I've changed my name and come home, many complicated feelings have returned.
About Self: Ruby Tendrils
This incense burner is called "Ruby Tendrils." It's a necessary device for practicing the art of healing. I studied under the lineage of the Zhuming's high elder, Ardens Regia, and researched the "Piercing Gaze" art of healing. Only by using this incense burner can one practice this art with ease. As for what creature is inside the burner... Let's just say it's a trade secret~
Chat: The Luofu Alchemy Commission
From my point of view, the fundamental problem with the Alchemy Commission is internal strife. The healers and alchemists are not earnest about curing sickness, nor are they wholly interested in academic research. Their only concern is the struggle for power. How should we attend to the Disciples who slipped through the cracks and the scheming Preceptors?
Chat: Managing Emotions
If you want things to go smoothly, you need to learn to manage your emotions, like this: The world is so beautiful, yet I am so irritable. Deep breaths...
Chat: Scents
Scents can transmit a lot of information: emotions, physical condition, symptoms, lies... My nose can detect all of these. On the other hand, I mustn't let anything happen to my nose. If I detect something that smells bad, I'd rather suffocate to death than take a breath.
Are you familiar with perfumery? Making perfumes is just like dealing with people — only when the top, middle, and base notes are in perfect harmony can one create a good fragrance.
I am just a healer, and I've always hated those who play political games. But if you want to gain a foothold in the Alchemy Commission, you must have some means to stop those who abuse their power.
Something to Share
I am not able to cure the illness that General Feixiao suffers from. That doctor Jiaoqiu, though, might have some tricks up his sleeve... He is the best at this.
When I served as a military healer, I mainly purged evil from the soldiers of the Zhuming's Dawn Army. The connection between a person and a heliobus becomes unstable under immense pressure, and at times like this, we must rely on incense.
About Huaiyan
I would not consider myself close to General Huaiyan, but I have prepared incense for him before. Don't be fooled by the old general's usual cheerful demeanor... When he gets angry, it's like there's steam coming out of his ears.
About Yunli
Yunli's scent is fresh and sweet, just like frankincense. When she comes to see me, she's like a little animal, crawling onto my lap. Who could resist leaning down and taking in a deep breath? Even just thinking about it makes me happy...
About Jing Yuan
My master and General Jing Yuan have an... unpleasant history with each other. But personal grudges are a luxury that adults cannot afford!
About Yanqing
The smell of this Luofu swordmaster is as pure as his character — I only detect the scent of rain. Hmm, does this mean that his will is pure, or that he is too naive?
About Yunhua
My master was framed by criminals, in a sense because she was a kind and open soul. When faced with villains who would destroy everything, you must not harbor any good will.
About Feixiao
I once witnessed her in battle with my own eyes. She is more like a warrior than a general. There used to be a faint scent of fear beneath her boldness and willingness to charge into life-or-death situations, but now that is almost gone.
About Jiaoqiu
If it looks like a hot pot, smells like a hot pot, and acts like a hot pot... I can only diagnose him as being a hot pot.
About Moze
His scent is so faint it's almost imperceptible, but it also carries a pungent smell of rust. He must have many stories to tell.
About Bailu
In the art of healing, I certainly could not compare to the Luofu's high elder. But in these games of politics, I still take pride in being able to protect her.
About Yukong
The war thirty years ago changed many people. The scent of sorrow always surrounds her now. Although I have not seen her in many years, smells do not lie — Yukong is still the same Yukong, even if she herself does not realize it.
About Fu Xuan
Diviner Fu comes to me asking for sugary drinks whether she is ill or not. I've told her many times that drinking too much has no health benefits, but she insists on drinking it anyway. She even says, "Not being able to have sugary drinks is bad for my health." What can you do...
About Qingque
Since returning to the Luofu, I've been buried in work. There are only three things that bring me joy: eating food, making perfumes, and teasing Qingque.
About Huohuo
Even on the Zhuming, it's rare to see a soldier and a heliobus have such a symbiotic relationship, as if they are of one heart and mind. This soft-scented girl is really something~
About Tail
The Luofu really is a bit conservative. If we encountered a heliobus on the Zhuming that was this capable and had no harmful intentions, we would definitely not seal it up.
Eidolon Activation
Boundless mist and endless smoke.
Character Ascension
Under a red silken canopy, fragrant spices swing from each corner.
Max Level Reached
Having grasped such profound truths... Whose home isn't overflowing with riches?
Trace Activation
The smoke rises from the fireless stove.
Added to Team With {NICKNAME}
With you here, I feel a bit more at ease.
Added to Team With Yunli
Yunli, be careful, don't get hurt.
Added to Team With Jing Yuan
General Jing Yuan, please put your faith in me.
Added to Team With Feixiao
To bear witness to the great General Feixiao's heroism again is truly fortunate.
Added to Team With Jiaoqiu
We'll have to rely on your clever tricks to turn the tide again.
Added to Team With Moze
Resolving problems in the shadows can be a good strategy.
Added to Team With Bailu
Dragon Lady let us safeguard one another. Together, we can overcome any adversity.
Added to Team With Yukong
Madam Yukong, you haven't changed at all~
Added to Team With Fu Xuan
Master Diviner, you must have foreseen that we could get through this unscathed.
Added to Team With Qingque
Come on, Qingque! Don't worry, I was kidding about hiding behind you... I will protect you.
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
Immerse yourself in it as you desire.
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
...The stench of evil.
Turn Begins 1
How about we dissipate that foul stench quickly?
Turn Begins 2
Please, allow me to purge the root of this problem.
Turn Idling
Feeling tired already? Do you require invigoration?
Basic ATK
Oh, a weakness.
Skill 1
Time to cleanse the filth, wouldn't you agree?
Skill 2
Both body and mind must be pure.
Hit by Light Attack
Get it together...
Hit by Heavy Attack
You're a stubborn one.
Ultimate: Activate
The truth burns clear as a flame.
Ultimate: Unleash
Everything in this world... is merely fleeting.
The smoke is gone... the fire is out...
Return to Battle
The art of resurrection is astonishing to behold.
Health Recovery
Refreshing to the soul.
Incense ascends, entwined with ethereal clouds.
Battle Won
This aroma is much better.
Treasure Opening 1
Breathe out the old and inhale the new.
Treasure Opening 2
Refreshed and invigorated.
Precious Treasure Opening
An exotic fragrance hits the nose — indeed, this must be treasure.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Solving a puzzle is like making incense: The smallest of differences can cause the largest changes.
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Careful analysis is the key to victory.
Enemy Target Found
Spicy, stimulating... something ominous has arrived.
Returning to Town
The hustle and bustle of the world... still so charming.